Commented on Elwin's Last Stand:
   "I am proud to say that my story is complete. It took longer than I expected to write, but the story became so much more than the first story I posted here. Elwin's Banishment was about 24k words and this one turned into about 61k words. (the last 5 chapters alone were about 25k words). I feel relieved that the story I started in 2019 has its conclusion. As far as the world I have created is concerned, it is just the beginning."
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1 month ago

Commented on Elwin's Last Stand:
   "Update: I am almost done writing the final part. I plan on posting the end by Wednesday this week."
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1 month ago

Commented on Elwin's Last Stand:
   "It took a little over a month to craft the ending of the battle that I was happy enough to share. I started this off with three different perspectives that showed the consequences when their magical aid failed while fighting the main horde. Something only mentioned or seen from afar in Part 22. I then moved back up to the present time and stayed with the one remaining MC during the last attack on the enemy hiding within the town. It was difficult to figure out who would survive the encounters. Mostly, I let the natural progression of the fight show me the answer. I am working on Part 24, the final one. With the war over, it is time to pay respects to the dead and go back home."
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1 month ago

Commented on Elwin's Last Stand:
   "Coming off the difficult job of putting together part 21, 22 had its difficulties. 3 fights were going on during this section, but I chose to focus on one of them. Everything appeared to be going well until it wasn't. That is when a miracle happened but at a great cost. Part 23 will conclude the 4 part battle sequence. How will they overcome all the losses and defeat a god?"
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3 months ago

Commented on Elwin's Last Stand:
   "After several weeks of writing off and on and listening to it repeatedly, I produced a chapter that I feel comfortable sharing now. Part 21 is massive. Filled to the brim with action, emotion, and struggles. I put my heart into this. There are more surprises to come, but this was the first. Most who follow along with guess what happened a long time ago, but I hope my delivery was worth the wait. I doubt I will post once a week for the last 3 parts, but I am doing what I can to make them the best I can."
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3 months ago

Commented on Elwin's Last Stand:
   "Update: Part 21 is not done yet. Because of the importance in what I am writing at the moment, I wanted to take extra time to make sure I got it right. My goal is around 4k words and I have around 2800 so far with a few more scenes to go. I am hoping to have it all done no later than this Saturday, June 1st."
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3 months ago

Commented on Elwin's Last Stand:
   "Part 20 is available. The final battle has begun. The forces of light and dark clash. the fate of the world they know hangs in the balance. Who will fall and who will stand at the end? Discover the fate of those caught in this conflict from deep within the trenches. Next week in part 21 both gods will take the field and clash for the first time in several millennia."
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4 months ago

Commented on Elwin's Last Stand:
   "Part 19 is available. The last 5 parts will be more intensive, So I will be posting them as soon as they are done. As for part 19, this allowed me to introduce a new character before going into the details of the army. I enjoyed the callback to the father/daughter relationship between Tarred and Asena from a previous part. I also took this chance to view the battlefield before the fight began from the point of view of the dark lord. Elwin, our MC, gave one final speech before they left for battle and an inspirational speech to everyone on the field of battle before yelling charge. Get ready for a wild ride for the next 5 parts. All the effort up to now all comes down to this fight."
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4 months ago

Commented on Elwin's Last Stand:
   "Part 18 is out now. It took me longer to write this one. After reworking the main outline, I wanted to make sure to share the perspective of the dark side after the first clash between the two forces. This shows a different POV from the scenes in part 15 with Vanima and part 16 with Elwin. Part 19 will be my last prep before the fight begins in earnest in part 20."
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4 months ago

Commented on Elwin's Last Stand:
   "Part 18 is out now. It took me longer to write this one. After reworking the main outline, I wanted to make sure to share the perspective of the dark side after the first clash between the two forces. This shows a different POV from the scenes in part 15 with Vanima and part 16 with Elwin. Part 19 will be my last prep before the fight begins in earnest in part 20."
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4 months ago

Commented on Elwin's Last Stand:
   "Part 17 is available. It took me longer to finish this one. The last of the two main groups have returned from their mini adventure and preparations for war must begin once all the new allies arrive. I only focused on the initial encounter for each group so I had to come up with who the others would be and that was fun. The conversation between leaders who have never had to work together before went as well as one would expect it. Thankfully Elwin is there to put them in their place. Next week we go back to the dark side and go back in time again to see their perspective from the two interactions as the two sides clash for the first time."
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4 months ago

Commented on Elwin's Last Stand:
   "Part 16 is out now. After last week's battle between Vanima and the dark forces in part 15, it was time to tackle Elwin's encounter against a stronger force, but this time with home-field advantage. The new undead variant that was created earlier got to take the field for the first time. The devastation that this one creation accomplished in such a short time will influence how the rest of the war plays out. The next three weeks (parts 17-19) will be the setup for the final battle that will take place during parts 20-23 with part 24 wrapping it all up."
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5 months ago

Commented on Elwin's Last Stand:
   "Hello, part 15 released yesturday and it was a glimpse of what's to come after the war kicks off full swing. It is never easy to harm and injure the characters I have created, but this encou ter shows how real and dangerous the enemy is. If you read Elwin's Banishment, you would l ow how many died trying to face the darkness. Part 16 will be Elwin's turn to face this enemy once again as he returns home from his mission to recruit allies."
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5 months ago

Commented on Elwin's Last Stand:
   "Hello, part 15 released yesturday and it was a glimpse of what's to come after the war kicks off full swing. It is never easy to harm and injure the characters I have created, but this encou ter shows how real and dangerous the enemy is. If you read Elwin's Banishment, you would l ow how many died trying to face the darkness. Part 16 will be Elwin's turn to face this enemy once again as he returns home from his mission to recruit allies."
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5 months ago

Commented on Elwin's Last Stand:
   "After the newest progress on the dark side of the conflict in part 12, a new power dynamic has taken hold and I was able to showcase the change during this week's release, part 14. Next week is going to represent a significant moment in the story. It will be the first time the two forces clash."
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5 months ago

Commented on Elwin's Last Stand:
   "It took me longer to release part 13 this week but it is out now. I continued where I left off from part 10 as I followed the two groups in their search for allies. Part 13 could have been broken into two parts but I want to stick with the 24-part schedule, and I still believe they deserve to be together. Next week I return to the dark side for part 14 before returning to the light and give each group their own time to shine in 15 and 16 before they merge in 17."
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5 months ago

Commented on Elwin's Last Stand:
   "Oh my, I forgot to make my usual post. I was happy with how part 12 turned out when I uploaded it on Wednesday (20th). It was the culmination of my villain's backstory showcasing his rise to power and the consequences for attaining it. Was the cost worth it? Part 13 returns back to our two groups as they encounter their first true test. Can they convince others to join their cause against the darkness that wants to consume everything?"
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6 months ago

Commented on Elwin's Last Stand:
   "Part 11 is here and the new champion of darkness is ready to take the reigns and lead his tribe to war. Next week a new piece will be added to the board. Will Elwin and Vanima have enough time to gather forces to combat the growing darkness?"
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6 months ago

Commented on Elwin's Last Stand:
   "Part 11 is here and the new champion of darkness is ready to take the reigns and lead his tribe to war. Next week a new piece will be added to the board. Will Elwin and Vanima have enough time to gather forces to combat the growing darkness?"
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6 months ago

Commented on Elwin's Last Stand:
   "Part 10 is out and it's the largest one to date. The heroes separate into two groups as they set out on their mission to find allies who are willing to join them in the fight. I wanted to show the similarities and differences between them that highlighted the party composition. I enjoyed diving into the backstories of the characters more while demonstrating how the two former heroes from the previous book led their group of new characters."
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6 months ago

Commented on Elwin's Last Stand:
   "Part 9 is out! Since it was the first time Elwin had returned home since the end of Elwin’s Banishment, I had to visit his mother’s old home. A piece of history preserved over the years. I have had a lot of fun with Penelo, so having an awkward conversation between Penelo and Erlan with her mother interjecting helped liven up the mood. The second half focused on the final meeting with all the key players, then a sendoff befitting our heroes. Next week, I will split the focus between the two groups who went in opposite directions as they get to know each other and learn to work together."
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6 months ago

Commented on Elwin's Last Stand:
   "Part 8 out and it showcases Ruven's growth as they embrace the power that is gained from causing misery and pain for their dark god. If there was any doubt that Elwin and his companions needed to eliminate this threat, part eight should settle that. The two timelines between the present with Elwin and the past with Ruven will meet soon. I have had fun telling this story from two points in time allowing me to focus on cultivating the new character's growth so that when the two forces clash, there is an understanding of what each fights for."
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7 months ago

Commented on Elwin's Last Stand:
   "Part 7 was fun writing. I returned to where events left off in part 5 and dove into the structure of the village and how it has changed since the events of Elwin's Banishment. The shift towards a more democratic approach to making decisions is a good contrast to the authoritarian rule via the strongest that the nomad tribe that the darkness is cultivating. Next week I will be exploring the darkness and the evolution of their champion as they take control of their new "magical" abilities and grow his faction before he is ready to challenge for leadership."
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7 months ago

Commented on Elwin's Last Stand:
   "Part 6 is out. I returned to darkness's new champion Ruven as he continued the events after he made his first sacrifice at the alter. He gets to watch the current leader of their tribe fight a challenger for the right to lead. I had fun getting up and physically going through the motions as I choreographed the fight."
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7 months ago

Commented on Elwin's Last Stand:
   "Part 5 is out. It was fun writing through the eyes of Penelo's father as he struggles with his responsibilities for the village and to his family. This was also a great opportunity to share more information on the state of the village at the moment and how they view events of the past. I plan to visit the forces of darkness again next week to see how they are progressing. Still set in the past to current events, they slowly set the framework for another war to consume the light once and for all."
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7 months ago